Support Adivasi families of Gudalur tide over the CoVid-19 pandemic

₹15,74,772 raised of ₹20,00,000

Met Goal and Increased


£ $ €This campaign is able to accept foreign contributions.


Relief to dalit and adivasi communities


Gudalur, Nilgiris District, Tamil Nadu


With support from 4 community-led organizations in Gudalur -- Adivasi Munnetra Sangam (AMS), ACCORD, ASHWINI and Vidyodaya, two volunteers in every Adivasi village has been identified - one to monitor the health status and the other the socio-economic status. The funds will be used for:

  1. **Addressing socio-economic needs **of 5000 families immediately that support their sustenance (for example, food, groceries, dry ration, personal hygiene necessities, transport costs etc). We also recognize the need to plan and prepare ourselves to support livelihood opportunities for the communities in their resilience & recovery post the pandemic. This would be at INR 1500 per family. 
  2. Addressing the healthcare needs of these Adivasi communities through ASHWINI -- a community-run hospital making healthcare accessible and comprehensive for ~5000 Adivasi families -- by providing and strengthening preventive and curative care during this pandemic. (for example: procuring 1000 Personal Protective Equipments for healthcare professionals, medical supplies for the communities as well hospital needs, awareness campaigns and Mobile clinics etc) . Each PPE kit costs INR 800.

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