Support domestic workers in Bangalore through the COVID-19 crisis
₹17,000 raised of ₹35,000
Relief to Women
Bangalore, Karnataka
Bank Details
Sharunya Shailesh, Bank Account No.: 881038822643 IFSC: DBSS0IN0811 Bank Name: DBS Bank Ltd UPI: 9606730759
- Under covid restrictions, many domestic workers living in informal settlements and neighborhoods with poor infrastructure, many of whom are senior citizens, single women, sole providers of their family, have lost their jobs and are struggling to make ends meet.
- Grassroots social workers & local community leaders together are trying to support women in Bandepalya, Kundanahalli, Jakkasandra, and Nanjappa Garden with basic rations & medicines.
- With no relief from the government (& lack of ration cards + ration provisions drastically cut) they don't have any other means for food in the coming weeks. All funds raised will go directly to pay for their rations.