Project Rebuilding Livelihoods raising funds for daily-wage families affected by Delhi Riots 2020

₹1,22,200 raised of ₹7,00,000


£ $ €This campaign is able to accept foreign contributions.


Support for daily wagers


North East, Delhi

Bank Details

(for Indian transfers) Name: BIPE TRUST. Account Number: 6812868143 IFSC: IDIB000J029 Account Type: Current account. (For International transfers) Name: Vidushi Kaushik Bank: Bank of Ireland BIC: BOFIIE2DXXX IBAN: IE04BOFI90675059915627 or Name: Vidushi Kaushik Account Number- 031101005222 IFSC- ICIC0000311 A/C Type- Savings For confirmation of the transaction, kindly drop a message (Whatsapp/SMS) at +91 7889847932 (Nidhi), once you've made a donation.


  • 25 daily wage workers' families that require immediate financial help
  • aims to help these families survive through the lockdown and rebuild their livelihoods since most of them were affected by the riots.
  • provide for their rent and ration requirements.
  • require help and support for medicines and medical tests.

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