Help Souradeep to Provide for His Aunt's Treatment
₹11,18,899 raised of ₹15,00,000
Bank Details
Virtual A/C No: 6999413500403443 Virtual A/C Name: Mayuri Dutta-Ketto A/C Type: Current IFSC: YESB0CMSNOC
We are looking to raise funds for Mayuri Dutta who is admitted at Apollo Hospital, Kolkata. Her elder sister Kasturi Dasgupta had weak lungs so the entire family spent the last 15 months shielding her, protecting her and rallying around her. They moulded their lives keeping her safety in the centre of everything they did. However, Corona struck the Dasgupta household and in an unequal fight, took Kasturi away from everything she held dear. The day after her sad demise, Mayuri who is just 34 years old, also had breathing troubles. Though she was immediately admitted to an ICU facility, she spiralled very quickly into critical care and had to be housed in a ventilator. Her infection was uncontrolled, the lungs compromised and doctors had not seen too many success stories, once patients enter this stage. The only ray of hope was offered by a new technology, ECMO, that is giving young patients like Mayuri- one more chance to make it. An ECMO bed has been secured for her and she has now spent 4 days at the hospital fighting for her life. There is a long haul ahead. ECMO treatment is extremely expensive and our insurance coverage is inadequate. We know that we are clutching at straws here but its our only chance to return a semblance of normalcy to a family facing a bleak cruel future. We are raising funds to help fund Mayuri's treatment.