Help Kshama get back on her feet

This campaign is closed or the goal has been reached. Thank you for your support and generosity.

₹50,000 raised of ₹50,000


Financial Distress (general)




  • Kshama is a mother of five and the only earning member of her family
  • Was a victim of the Delhi riots in January - has lost all sources of income and has barely been able to make ends meet during the pandemic. During the riots, her furniture and a room were completely burned down.
  • Currently she is suffering from multiple reproductive health problems to the extent that the doctor has recommended an operation at the earliest (approx cost ₹25,000). With rent, medicines, food, schooling for her children, and other daily expenses, she is unable to procure the money needed to undergo the operation.
  • They are also 4 months behind on their rent (₹4000 per month) and have no current earning member in their family

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